Process Water
water covers the wide range of boiler feed water, cooling water for heat exchangers
or engine, chemicals dilution, etc...
It should typically have a conductivity ranging from 0,1 to 50 uS/cm, with little
to no hardness to avoid scaling in heating system.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide should be removed to prevent corrosion
Depending on your application, the water quality requirements can vary:
Boiler feed water characteristic
Cooling water quality
Tap water or fresh groundwater are the most widely used source of water to produce
process water.
Our process water treatment plant can combine various technology, depending on the
purity required:
Quality required
Technology applied
500-2000 uS/cm
5-20 uS/cm
Reverse Osmosis
< 5 uS/cm
2-pass reverse Osmosis
< 1 uS/cm
2-pass reverse Osmosis + Mixed bed
< 500 uS/cm
< 5 uS/cm
Ion exchange
< 1 uS/cm
Ion exchange + Mixed bed
Once demineralised, process water should be conditionned according to manufacturer's
specification, usually up to pH 9 by adding caustic soda or ammonia.
More information on demineralised water
Further demineralisation is also possible to obtain ultra-pure water quality