Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF), an industrial water treatment plants, find applications in pulp and paper mills, recycled fibre, drinking, food processing, dairies, textile mills, municipalities and others. Total suspended solids removal to below 50 ppm of filterable solids and thickened sludge consistency of 2-4% are indicative of the efficient operation of these industrial water treatment plants.
ACHME has agency for the supplying of DAF units.
Here is an indicative list of applications of DAF:
Fibre Recovery in Pulp and Paper Mills
Ballast Water
Carbon Black Production
Solids Recovery
Fish Processing
Soap Industry
Meat Processing and Packing
Primary Clarification
General Food Manufacturing
Secondary Clarification
Sludge Thickening
Snack Food Production
Vegetable Oil Processing
Rendering Plants
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